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12.7mm x 102mm Misch Metal Fire Starter

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12.7mm x 102mm Misch Metal Fire Starter
Best in the UK
Large misch metal fire starter
Large misch metal fire starter 12.7mm x 102mm Misch Metal Fire Starter,Large misch metal fire starter
Misch Metal Fire Starter 

Giant Size 12.7mm x 102mm

These misch metal fire starters are made from ferrocerium, with a high combination of the rare earth metals that make up misch metal. 


Misch Metal fire starters are different from your traditional Swedish fire starters as it does more than just create sparks, when you scrape along the side you get molten globs of burning metal that burn far longer than a traditional spark from Swedish fire steel. From a standing position you can scrape away and watch the molten globs bounce off the floor. (for anyone who doubts this, just you tube mish metal and watch the videos)


Extremely Durable


Giant Size


Fire steels are an ideal tool to use when starting a fire, even in the wet they have no problem creating a spark or a molten glob with mish metal. A whole range of tools can be used to to scrape a firesteel and even though we recommend our 6 sided super alloy scraper, a knife hacksaw blade or just about any other sharp metal object will create the sparks. 


In short you are buying a super fire starter